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Celebrating 10 Years of Community at Bowers Farm: Join Us for FARMSGIVING!

This year marks a significant milestone for Bowers Farm—its 10th anniversary! At the beginning of the year when we sat down to do our annual planning and dreaming, and we realized it was our ten year anniversary. We were genuinely so excited and a friend in marketing had made a point to say to a group of farmers, "Do not miss your anniversaries. Make a big deal out of them. You don't get a second chance." We were pumped and ready to go, and then comparison was the initial thief of all of our joy and momentum.

Soon after that January sit down with an overarching plan for our calendar, I saw that it was also the 10 year anniversary of another farm we follow and deeply respect - 5 Mary's out in California. If you're not already following them on social media, you should be. The mom, the original Mary, does such a great job at showcasing their life as a Ranch family, both the good and the bad. 5 Mary's is HUGE though! They ship their meat across the country, they've opened a restaurant in their town, they have a number of digital programs you can join, they just recently opened their own meat processing plant, and I know there is so much more. When I was just sitting down, enjoying my doom scrolling of Instagram and saw their reel sharing that it had been 10 years since they quit their Silicon Valley jobs to buy and move out to the ranch, I could literally feel the wind leave my sails.

As much as I tell others, "comparison is the thief of joy," I couldn't stop it from happening to me. This was followed by some difficulty with the litter of puppies that were born at the end of January that could not have been predicted or planned for. (Everything is fine now with momma and puppies, but we had a few really hard weeks there in February and March.) This was followed by opening the campground and not having the immediate response that I had hoped for. (While that's turned out fine, it was so hard and heavy in the beginning.) We then took on a Land Improvements project that challenged and stretched us in ways we hadn't been before. (Again, this turned out fine, and we're so thankful for the lesson, but during this project there was so much doubt.). Over the summer, as it felt we were getting our feet under us, Brandon had to have unexpected surgery and was unable to work for a month. As we move into the fall we had issued with our processor and struggle yet again with the fact that we raised these animals with such care and intentionality, and then at the very last step we turn it over to someone who so often it feels like they don't care.

Whew, that seems like a depressing paragraph. On top of all of that are other personal smaller things that go on in every household that just add to the load we're all carrying. All of this is to say, this year has felt more like an identity crisis than a year of celebrating. A year of wondering what we're doing? Where we're going? What's working? What's not? What do we continue? What is it time to let go of?

Please please please know this year has been far from all bad. The campground has been going amazing. While we're constantly learning at every turn, it really has been a lot of fun! And we yet again had more kiddos participate in Farm Camp this year and we're super thrilled to have our 5th year of camp in 2025. And we've now been doing deliveries for a whole year and that has been an incredible gift for us and hopefully you all to in our ability to move product and meet people where they are a little better.

We're still asking ourselves some really big questions right now as we plan for the end of 2024 and setting ourselves up for 2025. We're still filled with a lot of doubt and wonder about where God is calling us, but whenever we have these big conversations, we keep coming back to out 4 pillars: Welcome, Hospitality, Sustainability, and Ethical. These have guided us so well the past few years! And when we dive into them more, when Brandon and I sit and talk about what brings us the most joy here on the farm, it always centers around the people and gathering them here on the farm. Amidst the questions and uncertainty, one thing remains clear: our gratitude for the incredible community this crazy life has allowed us to build.

From the friends we made at Heritage Fields Farm 10 years ago, to those who have joined us for Farm Camp, Ag+Art, or through Harvest Host, every connection enriches our journey. Whether you’ve stayed in our Airbnb, boarded your dogs with us, or collaborated on Land Improvement projects, you’re an essential part of our story, and we are so thankful!

We aren't 5 Mary's, and it's ok, but we likely never will be. We are Bowers Farm. We are Sarah and Brandon Bowers - Farmers, Entrepreneurs, Big Dreamers, and Community Builders.

To honor this community, to celebrate what the past 10 years has brought, and to bring together all those this small piece of property and a big dream have brought together, we’re excited to introduce a new tradition: FARMSGIVING!

Join us at the farm for a sunset dinner, where the only agenda is gathering together in gratitude. Bring a side dish to share, your favorite beverage, and perhaps a chair. There’s no cost. No tickets. Just a chance to celebrate this beautiful land and the relationships that it has stewarded.

Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 17th for our first annual Farmsgiving. We'll gather at 4:00. We'll eat. And hang out! This is for the whole family! Let’s come together to give thanks for one another and the spirit of community that makes Bowers Farm so special!


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